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Code Cheating Detection Solutions

Ensure Academic Integrity

Foster an environment that discourages academic dishonesty while making such dishonesty difficult or impossible to begin with.
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Trusted by

Auto-Graded Programming Labs

The most effective cheating prevention solution

"Codio is the most effective solution I've seen for sharing a combination of textbook and complex auto-graded programming labs."
Armando FoxProfessor of Computer Science and Software Engineering at UC Berkeley
Academic Integrity Toolkit

Prevent, detect, and deter academic dishonesty

Evidence-based tools enable you to take a proactive approach to academic integrity.
Plagiarism Detection

Identify instances of plagiarism with a code similarity checker

Create a large number of unique programming assessments for a large course in minutes, and then assign them to students randomly to individualize each student's assignments for a truly "Evergreen" curriculum. Giving each student unique programming assessments can prevent plagiarism or cheating altogether while saving countless hours reconfiguring course materials each semester. 

Plagiarism_code similarity detection
Behavior Insights

Gain a deeper understanding of learner behavior

The hype surrounding ChatGPT and other generative AI tools in education, including research showing how MOSS can be fooled by Large Language Model (LLM) generated code (Biderman & Raff, 2022), calls for a renewed emphasis on student process over product.

Behavior Insights in Codio enables instructors to identify and combat plagiarism and academic dishonesty at scale by analyzing student learning behavior within the context of an assignment or exam question.

Learner behavior insights
Parameterized Assessments

Prevent plagiarism with individualized assessments

Parameterized assessments or questions have randomly generated variables within the question template. This allows many unique questions to be generated from a single-question template, giving each student individualized, auto-graded assessments with instant feedback.

Parameterzied assessments - Page 1
Randomized Assessments

Assign random assessments from a question bank

Assign auto-graded assessments of all types—including coding assignments—to students randomly. You can use parameterized assessments to create many questions (or manually create them) and save them to an assessment library in Codio. Then, you can randomize assessments assigned to students in just a few clicks.

random assessment
Platform Features

Evidence-based tools proven to enhance learner outcomes

Customizable courseware, automated assessments, instant feedback, and research-based instructional tools—seamlessly integrated with cloud VMs and a professional-grade IDE.

See how Codio helps you achieve better learning outcomes

Experience the Codio difference for yourself with a free proof-of-concept demo using your existing assignments or labs.

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