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Automatic Code Grading & Instant Student Feedback

Auto-grade everything, including advanced coding tests, and give learners instant, meaningful feedback with Codio's powerful assessments engine.

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Autograding code with instant student feedback

Trusted by

No Extensive Configuration

Sophisticated auto-grading that's easy to configure

"We needed a student-facing IDE that was 'ready to go' and didn't require futzing or installation on the student's part but was sophisticated enough to handle our auto-grading demands without requiring extensive instructor time spent on dev-ops or configuration."
Armando FoxProfessor of Computer Science and Software Engineering at UC Berkeley
Assessments and Feedback

Give learners rich, instant feedback

Give learners the rich, meaningful feedback they crave, instantly displayed  upon completion of an assessment. Students don’t just see whether an answer is incorrect. They know why it was wrong to better work through it with an instant grade. 

Give learners rich, instant feedback
AI-Assisted Assessment Creation

Easily create and refresh auto-graded assessments

Easily create all kinds of formative and summative auto-graded assessments with our specialized AI-powered assessment generator.

Assessment generation

Instant Feedback

"Having the instant formative feedback is really useful. And that's where Codio comes in handy. They click 'check it' in Codio and it goes and tests that their code meets the specifications. It sorts correctly, it searches correctly. It has the error handling and features that we are expecting. It doesn't have memory leaks."
David CroftLecturer at Coventry University
Coding Assessments

Auto-Grading Code

We offer two forms of online automated code grading software. Standard grading is dialog driven. It usually covers at least 80% of use cases, like stdin inputs and multiple test cases for full code coverage. 

Advanced automatic grading tools enable instructors to write their own grading scripts in any language. Use any 3rd party testing or support libraries and analyze any aspects of student code.

Autograding code
Auto-Grade Everything

All types of auto-graded assessments

Create any type of auto-graded assessment in Codio. Use our code autograder for everything from single and multiple choice (MCQs) and fill-in-the-blank assessments to coding assessments and Parsons problems.

Content Authoring - Assessments
Auto-Graded Assessment Engine

Powerful auto-grading for any type of assessment

Use automatic grading tools to give instant feedback on formative and summative assessments. Instructors can auto-grade complex coding projects in any language and deliver auto-graded exams—all within Codio.

Standard Code Test

Standard code tests are dialog driven, where you specify input data and the expected output. Codio then executes the student code supplies the specified input data, and compares the expected output to the student code’s actual output.

Advanced Code Test

Implement unit tests, style checkers, or write custom code tests in any language that instantly grades student-written code with an advanced code test.

Multiple Choice

Easily set up multiple choice type assessments, which provide a question and then single or multiple response options.

Fill in the Blanks

Fill in the blank questions allows for a choice between free text or offer options from a drop down. Learners can then choose the correct answer from a drop down list or complete the missing words by entering the answer.

Free Text

Give students the opportunity to answer in their own words with Free Text assessments. These assessments allow for LaTeX formatting and are recommended for math assessments. Instructors can easily review and manually grade answers.

Free Text Autograde

Similarly to Free Text, Free Text Autograde also allows students to answer in their own words. However, teachers can easily enable autograding by including a command line to execute the autograding script.

Math Assessment

Set and grade math questions for any type and level of mathematics with ease, using the Free Text assessment. Codio offers manual grading of mathematical expressions or proofs, and multiple choice assessment type to create answers.

Parsons Puzzle

Also known as a Parsons problem, Parsons Puzzles are formative assessments that ask students to arrange blocks of scrambled code, allowing them to focus on the purpose and flow of the code (often including a new pattern or feature) instead of syntax.

Rubric Based Grade Book

The Grade Book is available for rubric based grading. The student can only see the comments, points, and rubric items once the assessment is graded and the grades are released.

Parameterized Assessments

Simply generate parameters by writing python code on the Parameters tab, for all assessment types except Gradebook and Random.   
Grading Rubrics

Manual grading and rubrics

Codio enables efficient manual grading of student assignments. Instantly access any student's code and review, compile, and execute it. Grading rubrics can be centrally defined and applied to any project. Grading moderation allows already graded assignments to be reviewed by additional faculty, which enables code grading quality monitoring.

Manual Grading-1
In-Line Comments and Feedback

Engage with learners and provide feedback directly in their code

With one-click access to learner code, instructors can quickly hop into a project or assignment, give contextual feedback and guidance. They can also answer a learner's questions using in-line comment threads.

Engage with learners and provide feedback directly in their code
Less Maintenance Effort

Making my life so much easier

“There are so many little things that are making my life so much easier while using Codio. Things I wouldn’t have thought to ask for, like popping into a student’s project live. Overall this is taking less maintenance effort on my end to run the same course.”
Mark ShermanAssistant Professor of Computer Science at Emmanuel College
Open-Ended Assessments

Open-ended and longer-form questions

If you want to create questions that require a text or essay type answer, free text questions can be created. Then, manually grade them directly from the teacher dashboard.

auto-grade free text in codio
User Feedback

See why users love Codio

From educators, researchers, and students, to experienced software engineers and beginner programmers—everyone loves Codio.

Dr. Clement AllenAssociate Professor, Florida A&M University

“This semester is the first year we decided to teach a computer programming course to non-Majors. And I immediately wanted it to be Codio. The students are already intimidated by computers and programming. So, I needed an environment that was friendly, accessible and something they can easily grasp.”

Raymond LangAssociate Professor, Xavier University of Louisiana
“An incredible platform...I’m (almost) at a loss for words right now at how smoothly this pivot away from face-to-face teaching is going for my students because of Codio.”
Mark ShermanAssistant Professor of Computer Science, Emmanuel College

“There are so many little things that are making my life so much easier while using Codio. Things I wouldn’t have thought to ask for, like popping into a student’s project live. Overall this is taking less maintenance effort on my end to run the same course, and I’m so happy about that.”

Greg DelozierLecturer, Kent State University
“Codio is extremely useful as a tool for teaching computer programming courses and great as a professional prototyping and technology exploration tool. I’ve done amazing things. Codio makes it possible for students to experience exactly how they would need to work as they progress into industry.”
Professor of Computer ScienceIvy League University
"What we love about Codio is the ease of configuration for any programming scenario and the fact that we can configure it entirely ourselves. Its integrated nature, flexibility, and the fact that all students need is a browser are fantastic."
David CroftLecturer, Coventry University
“Having the instant formative feedback is really useful. And that is where Codio comes in handy. They click ‘check it’ in Codio and it goes and tests that their code meets the specifications. It sorts correctly, it searches correctly. It has the error handling and features that we are expecting. It doesn’t have memory leaks.”
John HalleCornell
“Codio’s partnership approach has enabled us to be far more successful than we otherwise would have been with our online course delivery and management.”
Dr. Gordon FraserSenior Lecturer, Sheffield University
“Click on a student’s project and five seconds later I can compile, run and debug without having to unzip or copy and paste it into my own environment. The time I save with this feature alone justifies the Codio platform and gives me back my Sundays.”
Mateen RizkiChair of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Wright State University
“The VM technology, integrated IDE, and class monitoring tools are a killer combination. The time savings for students and faculty are huge.”
Chris HickmanProgramming & Web Development Instructor, Bay Path Regional Vocational Technical High School
"Now, students are finally focusing 100% on the curriculum frameworks without worrying about any technology-related issues limiting their ability to succeed in the program."
Sylvester MobleyCoded by Kids
“Some older kids see it as: ‘this could take me somewhere’. The younger kids don’t yet see it in career terms. But that’s fine, it’s about immersing them in technology; immersing them in innovation. Seeing tech become second nature: using Git, the command line. That’s when I know we’re having an impact in bringing kids into the modern world.”
Gwen Britton, PhDSouthern New Hampshire University
“There is tremendous potential to expand the use of Codio at SNHU. We're in the process of rebuilding all tech-related undergraduate and graduate programs, as well as moving into the data science space, and Codio can support our effective course delivery in all of these fields.”
Armando FoxProfessor at UC Berkeley
"Codio is the most effective solution I've seen for sharing a combination of textbook and complex auto-graded programming labs."
Elizabeth JenawayMacomb Community College

I plan on revising more of my content for ITCS 1140 and start working on new content for ITCS 1170 Database Design and Implementation using SQL. I'm excited about using Codio for my database class.”

Thomas SmithHead of Computing at Caistor Grammar School
“Codio just makes the whole process simple. And that’s something all teachers are looking for.”
Armando FoxProfessor at UC Berkeley
"We needed a student-facing IDE that was 'ready to go' and didn't require futzing or installation on the student's part but was sophisticated enough to handle our auto-grading demands without requiring extensive instructor time spent on dev-ops or configuration."

Frequently asked questions about Codio's Automatic Grading

What Is an Automatic Grading System? An automatic grading system is a tool that instructors use to accurately assign scores to a learner's assessment. An online code grader streamlines the grading process, removing the time-consuming and error-prone nature of manual grading. 
What Are the Benefits of Automated Grading? By leveraging sophisticated algorithms and intelligent scoring mechanisms, automatic grading systems provide consistent and objective evaluation. Automatic grading gives an unbiased assessment of a learner's performance. A code autograder can alleviate instructors' workload. It also enables them to provide prompt and detailed feedback, fostering a more engaging and effective learning experience. 

Embracing an automatic grading tool is a strategic move that empowers instructors to focus on high-value tasks. This includes curriculum development and personalized guidance, enhancing the overall quality of education.

See how Codio helps you achieve better learning outcomes

Experience the Codio difference for yourself with a free proof-of-concept demo using your existing assignments or labs.

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