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Codio and eCornell

Codio enabled eCornell to expand into offering more technical content for their students, while providing a flexible and powerful teaching and learning basis for topics like programming, data analysis, and AI/Machine learning.
    Authored by:
    Ted Blanchard PMP
    Ted Blanchard Sr. Manager, Instructional TechnologiesTed Blanchard is the Senior Manager for Instructional Technologies at eCornell.
    Ted Blanchard Sr. Manager, Instructional Technologies
    Machine Learning & AI

    A flexible and powerful basis for teaching

    "Since adopting Codio, we’ve been able to provide a flexible & powerful basis for teaching subjects involving programming exercises, including coding classes and machine-learning/AI/data science-focused courseware."
    Ted BlanchardSr. Manager, Instructional Technologies, eCornell

    Achieve better learning outcomes

    Schedule your personalized demo today to see how you can achieve the same level of success as eCornell.
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    What we needed

    Before adopting Codio, we encountered multiple challenges with providing a platform for experiential teaching of technical topics like Machine Learning and Data Analysis/Visualization. We had specific issues with grading, facilitator review of student work, and providing students with appropriate hints/starting code, among others.
    Full-Stack Auto-Grading Support
    Cloud IDE
    "Ready-to-go" IDE with zero configuration needed
    LTI Integration
    Integrate LTIs at scale with Canvas
    Easy Content Sharing
    Ease of sharing course materials with other instructors

    Why we chose Codio

    There was a desire and a need to expand into offering more technical content and we realized eCornell's technical platform had to be strengthened to support such an expansion. 
    So, we drew up a vendor comparison against several other options in the marketplace and decided ultimately that Codio was the best fit.

    Teaching with Codio

    Courses Taught With Codio

    • Programming in Python and JavaScript
    • Data Analysis with R & RStudio
    • Python/Julia Jupyter Notebooks and Labs
    • Data Visualization using SQL/OmniDB
    • AI/Machine Learning using
    • Python/Jupyter

    Since adopting Codio, we’ve been able to provide a flexible & powerful basis for teaching subjects involving programming exercises, including coding classes and machine-learning/AI/data science-focused courseware. These topics require capabilities for student work segmentation, autograding, code analysis, and providing students with individualized, working, re-settable programming environments: Codio provides all these along with an elegant, scalable LTI-based integration with our LMS, Canvas, that works with the automated course-creation system we have in place.

    The ability to flexibly integrate with our LMS (Canvas), not only for launching and provisioning students but also for auto-cloning Codio courses as part of our automated section-creation framework, has been crucial to our success with Codio. The improvements the Codio team has continually made to the organizational structure of courses, and the increasing sophistication of the parent/child relationships and our ability to work with them, has also been key.

    Achieve better learning outcomes

    Schedule your personalized demo today to see how you can achieve the same level of success as eCornell.
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    Configured for Success

    Flexibly Integrate with LMS & Autoclone Courses

    "The ability to flexibly integrate with our LMS, not only for launching and provisioning students but also for auto-cloning Codio courses as part of our automated section-creation framework, has been crucial to our success with Codio."
    Ted BlanchardSr. Manager, Instructional Technologies, eCornell

    Working with Codio

    Codio has been extremely supportive of eCornell from the beginning, working closely with us to implement customizations we needed, and participating in in-depth troubleshooting and issue resolution. Max, Codio’s CTO, and the team have been very helpful and accessible.

    Future Plans for Codio

    Going forward

    We plan to keep building on our current Codio environment to expand our existing technical training and create new courseware.

    See how Codio helps you achieve better learning outcomes

    Experience the Codio difference for yourself with a free proof-of-concept demo using your existing assignments or labs.

    Schedule my demo